Friday, May 13, 2011

Being a sportsmanship changes everything!!!!!!!

the word sportsmanship means that you choose to do something for another person and that you also show that you could show other people how to be respectful to those people that are respectful to thsoes words that many people tell other people that “what goes around comes around”. Those words make you think that whatever you do it would i come back to you 
thats why you need to watch for every step you take to your success. 

The video of Sarah touch me a lot !!!!!!!!
The video of the injured player Sarah that she played for the team of Western Oregon touch me a lot because the goal or dream that she had was almost imposable to accomplish only because of the injury that she had when she hit her first ball to try and make her first homerun. I wanted to cry because it was so sad to if her teammates touch her they were going to loose the whole game so they couldn’t do anything for her. So a super surprising thing happened two  teammates from the other team that was Central Washington went to her and they helped her to walk around the filed and make her homerun come to true. It touch me a lot because many people wouldn’t do those things mostly if they are from another team .This two girls were so brave to leaving that moment of judgment of the other people only to have to choose the right ,and help that girl that her other teammates .

show sportsmanship

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Huntington Park high school in in great danger of being taken over be the LAUSD !!!!!!!

Huntington Park high school in in great danger of being taken
over be the LAUSD !!!!!!!
the Huntington Park high school is in great danger of being taken by the
department of the LAUSD. This is not a good for us the students of HPHS,and i say us, because I'm part of that school I'm a student there I'm in the 12th grade it might not affect me that much as other students but if it affects one student in the whole school than it would affect every student ,because without us there wouldn't be a Huntington Park High School.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My vacation is over time for school!!!!!!!!!!

My vacation is over time for school!!!!
well my vacation were in school i was coming to intercession and i was making 
up the classes that i need to make up . those classes that i fail earlier 
 in the 10th grade and now I' m trying to make them up because I' m 
about to graduate from Huntington Park High School and if i
don't then i'll stay a year behind and i don't want to start all over again.
 So i'm trying my best to make -up those classes. i might not like that much
 the classes of world  history but now i need to learn more and 
pass that class before graduation i need to start accomplishing
 that goal in my life.
.Oh well world history here i come!!!!!!!
BY:Sheyla Cordero AKA(PINKY LOVE