Monday, January 31, 2011

Tyrone Muggsy Bogues
Tyrone Muggsy Bogues is one of the people that never gave-up he keep trying and you see he made it to the NBA. he kept telling him self that he could do it .He said that not only because of his size that it was 5 feet'3 in  he was going to give-up . many people should see that if he did it then anyone else could do it . Muggsy was thinking about his future and about the things that he wanted to accomplish. His dream of becoming a player in the NBA came true his 1# goal. many people could do the same thing has him just keep telling yourself that you could DO IT!!! 
keep your head up and don't look at your pass because if you do then your going to see the bad things that happened to you and that is going to bring you down.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The freedom comes from were?


            The word freedom is a word that describe any person that they do the things that they want  . That  means that they could do anything that they choose to do  in there life and with their life’s . Here in America people have their freedom . Many  people don’t have freedom in many other places. Another things that tells you about freedom is the word CTR (choosing the right )  by choosing the right you could do many things that you wanted to do but you first need to do all of your things like :school work, pass all of your classes , be responsible with  you homework .

Freedom is something that people win by doing good things that they decide it to do . Like to choosing the right is one of them like if a person goes to your house and takes things from you like money what would you do? Would you do the same thing that person did to you.  Well don’t  do it ,because if you do it your just going to be doing  the same thing as them and that’s choosing the wrong .

“Don’t do things that you will regret in the future do the right things that your heart is telling you and you will get  very far then choosing the wrong.”
----by Sheyla Cordero

Friday, January 21, 2011

Choosing The Path That You Will Go.........

  Choosing the path that you will go
makes you life more easier.Any one that choose their path before doing it they will know 
where are they going in life. Those are the people that think about their future before they act. This
 means that people could do anything that they want and no one could stop them from making 
their dreams come true. We have the right to choose the path of the CTR or the CTW. 
The CTR is choosing the right that means that you will do your best in school, 
work, at home or any other place. The CTW is something very bad because if you choose that u
 would lie to the people that most love, and you wouldn't want to hurt those people that love you a lot 
i think that if you want to do something then go for it don't let time/ days pass in front of you and just let your life pass with out doing something

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be truthful to the people around you

truthful to the people around you don't be all the time lying to them , because you don't know when you might say the true and no one will believe you . Just try to be honest to the people around you, because you might hurt someone that you really love and you won't like that. we need to try to be honest . We need to live everyday of our life's like it was like the last day. We do love when people respect us but we also need to respect other people , because if we want respect then we need to win it . 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Choosing The Right!! will take you far

If you CTR( choose the right) you will always have good things happening to you if you always try your best then you will see that every thing that you have done it has turn out to be better for you and the people around you.