Friday, January 28, 2011

The freedom comes from were?


            The word freedom is a word that describe any person that they do the things that they want  . That  means that they could do anything that they choose to do  in there life and with their life’s . Here in America people have their freedom . Many  people don’t have freedom in many other places. Another things that tells you about freedom is the word CTR (choosing the right )  by choosing the right you could do many things that you wanted to do but you first need to do all of your things like :school work, pass all of your classes , be responsible with  you homework .

Freedom is something that people win by doing good things that they decide it to do . Like to choosing the right is one of them like if a person goes to your house and takes things from you like money what would you do? Would you do the same thing that person did to you.  Well don’t  do it ,because if you do it your just going to be doing  the same thing as them and that’s choosing the wrong .

“Don’t do things that you will regret in the future do the right things that your heart is telling you and you will get  very far then choosing the wrong.”
----by Sheyla Cordero

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